

Karen Frost Massage Therapist


After suffering for years with severe pain and extreme loss of motion in my neck from two severe Whiplash injuries, in 2013, I sought chiropractic treatment which included massage therapy.  My results were so profound that it prompted me to change direction from a career paralegal to Massage Therapist. 

My mission is to provide that same relief to others who suffer not only from pain and loss of mobility but also the debilitating side effects associated with severe or chronic pain.  I will offer you options designed to help you find relief and "embody" a deeper sense of "balance" for body, mind and spirit -- Karen K Frost, LMT, CMLDT, CT, CRT



I provide therapeutic massage that combines a poetic blend of various modalities, with smooth transition and intention designed to relieve your pain and tension and improve movement and overall wellness - quality of life.  




T h e r a p e u t i c   M a s s a g e


Studies now show that what happens during massage
builds upon previous sessions.

This means that with routine massage the body may show signs of improvement. While this varies from individual to individual, routine massage produces better long term results rather than waiting until you are too uncomfortable not to come in.  

Remember, massage therapy is not intended to replace or contradict medical treatment, medication or the advice of your physician.